Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear World,
I’m trying hard to be brave but it’s hard when everything means starting all over. I should be excited, but the thought of being alone is so overwhelming that I don’t even know how to face it. Maybe this is a mistake, but I somehow know it’s not. Clarity, I know one of you at least has been praying for clarity, because I think I finally found it.
I don’t know if I can do this, but I know it’s the right thing to do. I know it’s what I should do. Thank you.
Ps, if this all works out right, I’ll have happy news soon.

Love, Teri Sue

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I have phone conversations with you in my head.

They probably will never happen because the thought of actually calling you makes my hand shake a little, but my imagination does pretty well. You’re always so sensible on these calls. So grounded. I’ve told you this before, haven’t I? That you’re a rock in my world, so steady and solid while everything else seems to fly around you. On the phone I hear your laugh, and I know its all okay. I see that I’m blowing it all out of proportion because it is so incredibly obvious to you. Just as right and wrong always seem so obvious to you. In these conversations we talk effortlessly, words spilling out of my mouth and reactions forming from yours. Everything begins to make sense, I put the pictures together, and I know the reason why we are so unlucky. We are unlucky because we got off center when we weren’t given a chance. When that chance was pulled away by my doubts and my insecurities and my foolishness, it knocked the planet just enough to give us both bad luck. We could fix it, you realize this, right? If you could give me one more chance; I know I could fix it. Over the phone in my head, we do fix it, and before we hang up we both know that soon, so very soon, we will talk again. And the world returns to spin on axis.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It should be well

If peace like a river came my way
And sorrows ceased now to roll
Would the beauty begin to fade away
With no pain left to cause it to stay?

If in a mighty fortress I could live
A bulwark that never fell
Would I waste away from lack of pain
Would I forget the feel of lost love’s stains?

If I were there ten thousand years
Everything shining like the sun
Would I remember what tears brought me there
Or would I sing on forgetting that I once cared?

If the lepers spots were truly changed
And this heart of stone were melted
Would I know all my days
That love is the only thing that remains?

If all fears were finally stilled
And strivings could forever cease
Would the lack of struggle bind me down
Causing me to slowly drown?

Would I always wonder
What pain could make me see?
Would I always feel
Like I wasn’t truly free?

Or is it possible to have enough
Of good to fill this hole
Is there a way to truly sing,
“It is well, with my soul.”