Wednesday, March 23, 2016


"You belong" I whisper to my daughter as she sits, studying the world.

You belong here and now,
And there tomorrow,
And wherever you will be in the days after that.

The air you breathe belongs to you,
And when you exhale you give it back to the world.

You belong in the space you take up.
You do not need to puff up,
Or shrink yourself down.

You belong with your voice.
No need to tear others down,
Or allow yourself to be trampled.

You belong as the size you are.
No smaller, no bigger, just right.
Each moment of each day.

The paths you are on are yours to walk,
Where others have gone,
And will go.

You belong on your own,
And connected to others.
You belong wandering alone,
And here, next to me.

Each moment you exist,
You are not lost.

You belong.
You belong.