Thursday, April 26, 2012

And she emptied her life of all real emotions
In order to stay alive

But now alive is not what she wants
And empty has become a cave with no end
A valley with no bottom
A cavern with no light

Someone send her more than living
Someone fill her with more than pills
Someone steal her more than fake laughter

Knowing the right answers is not enough
She needs to feel them

But she cannot feel
Because feeling leads to pain
And pain leads to sorrow
And sorrow leads to despair  

Please don't forget that she can smile
Please don't forget she used to laugh
Please don't forget she once truly lived

But sometimes, after all the drinks
She looks at him and sees
More feelings than she can bear
More depth than she wants to believe

A dissociated emptiness
Has become a hollow shell
She's hiding all her fears
In a box filled with hell

Open it some whisper
Fiddling with the lid
But brick upon invisible brick
Crush down on what's within

As her fingers play an imaginary tune
On a head filled with lies
She holds deep within
Harrowing cries

How alive is living?
And at what cost does it come?

But all she wants to do is breathe
Inhale deeply,
Exhale slow,
Inhale again

Can her broken heart mend?
Can her prayers be heard?
Can her world turn right again?

And she emptied her life of all real emotions
In order to stay alive

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